Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby Guggs 11 1/2 weeks

Baby is doing great! Heartrate is 172 (it was 148 four weeks ago). I'm doing pretty good these days. Nausea is getting a wee bit better at night and I started a prenatal yoga class that I'm totally in love with. I can't wait to make a massage and hair appt. for 2 weeks from now. I SO need to dye my hair. It's TERRIBLE! Hmmm, a day all about me...perhaps prenatal yoga in the AM, early afternoon massage and late afternoon hair appt. I think I'm onto something!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We're so excited to see you!

Today, we had to take a little trip to the doctor since I my cramps continued to escalate and kept me up 1/2 the night last night. They did our first ultrasound. Here's Baby Guggs at 6 weeks 1 day old in Mommy's tummy. Wow, Matt & I are going to be parents! Can you tell it's finally sinking in?